Top 10 Napoleon Hill Quotes to Think & Become Rich

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Napoleon Hill quotes are a result of a deep study done on the minds of successful people.

They demonstrate a way to achieve success by the use of the mind. They contain hidden signals & one has to understand the core meaning behind the messages.

Napoleon Hill is popular for his all-time bestselling book Think and Grow Rich. It is not just a book but it is a study done on successful people in their real lives.

Quote 1

“When you close the door of your mind to negative thoughts,
the door of opportunity opens to you.”

The negative thoughts that we nurture in our minds are doing lots of things that we are not aware of. They are not just affecting us mentally but they also have their impact on the physical body.

These negative thoughts are the stories of why we can’t achieve our goals. These thoughts are focused on the things that we hate to do in life.

“Negative thoughts are not just thoughts they are currents that are shaping our future.”

The repetition of the negative thoughts creates a chain of pain & once it is created it looks difficult to get out of it.

The negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts & people to us. They are responsible for the negative life situations that we face daily. They are responsible for the results that we are not getting even after doing hard work.

The irritated & frustrated state of mind cannot bring the desired results, it will do the exact opposite of it, it will bring more things that make us irritated & angry.

When we stop the negative thoughts & replace them with thoughts that are focused on what is that we want then things start changing for us.

We are working on the root cause of all the issues, so everything including the physical problems is on its way to a new change.

The new positive mindset is telling the story of our dreams. It is talking about the bright side of things. It is focused on the positive outcome that our hearts desire.

Positive thoughts attract positive things in life. By staying connected to the positive side, we will receive positive things from the universe. We will receive unknown opportunities that will help us to manifest the outcome.

There will be freshness & vitality in every moment because the negative that was blocking the energies has been replaced with a positive flow of energy.

Quote 2

“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life,
not on what you don’t want.”

Great inner effort has to be made to reach the mountain of success.

The mind is programmed to focus on what is wrong in life, it focuses on what we don’t want. This has been subconsciously rooted in our minds & has become second nature. Most of the time we never jump into the inner world & look into the kind of thoughts that we think the most.

Ignorance towards the mind gives it more freedom to run towards the negative.

Focusing on the wrong things in the mind is a result of a life of struggles. Then we are forced to live like slaves & work for others. We work for a job which means we are working full day to achieve someone else’s dream. Because we never inquire deeply about what our purpose or dream is.

We were not totally determined about what we wanted to do in life. So we just choose the default life.

“Focus can be changed at any moment. It can be directed from what you don’t want to what you do want.”

Once we start doing this, old patterns will fight with the new ones. Most of the time the old will win because the new is still not that strong.

New will grow stronger only when there is consistency & determination. It is going to be difficult at first because we are not used to it. It will feel impossible to continuously focus on your desire.

Focusing on your desire will start a new chain of joy. When we are synced with the desire, we are connected with that frequency & as we are connected to good frequency, our feelings will be good. We will feel contentment & satisfaction in the things that we are doing to get what we want.

The old negative patterns will sooner be found nowhere, they may hover for a few moments sometimes but they will vanish very quickly as the positive will have dominance because of the persistence we have practiced towards the positive.

Quote 3

“The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.”

The other people surrounding you have no idea about your life goals.

They cannot read your mind & identify what purpose you were born for. They have their idea of what you should be like. Their idea comes from their observation of you or it comes from something that will benefit them. They tell you as per their vision, as per their desires & as per their understanding.

When a person is weak mentally, he certainly asks for help from others. The others are always ready to provide advice free of cost. They have nothing to lose by giving the suggestions.

The weak person follows the other’s suggestions & ignores the inner voice. There is a great conflict going on in his mind. The inner voice is saying something else & the outside world is saying something else. When he follows the outer, he feels a dissatisfaction but he doesn’t have the courage to listen to the inner voice.

Our family or friends have a picture of us in their minds.

Parents may want their child to become a doctor & they have dreamed this before the child was born. The child comes to the world & he has no idea about anything, his mind is still unconscious & he is not aware enough to make his own decisions. Parents plant the idea of becoming a doctor right from childhood.

The child grows bigger & he finds that he is interested in becoming a musician. This child will fail in life because he was to become a musician & that is what his soul had planned for him but he committed to become a doctor.

One needs to dive deeper within oneself to exactly find what his interests are. He needs to find the thing that he loves to do most. He needs to find the purpose of his life that will bring music to his life.

And once there is clarity of the purpose then life becomes disciplined with an unforced commitment.

Quote 4

“Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

When success is achieved by anyone then he has some things in common. The process of achieving success is just like a formula.

Anyone who applies the formula reaches the peak of success.

These qualities are developed as a mindset & they need time and effort to sync deeper in the mind. People who are unaware of the success formula fail because they have the failure formula developed in their minds. This failure formula helps them to fail in everything that they do. With every new failure, the formula gets stronger.

A successful person has these 3 qualities mastered by him. This makes a formula for his success in everything that he takes upon.

Patience is the first quality & it is a mindset that is ready to wait till the end. There is absolutely no hurry, there is no irritation about why the results have not yet come, and there is a determination to wait till the goal is achieved.

Patience is the relaxed state of mind & it is exactly the opposite state of mind that an average person has. The average person wants the results immediately, he is not willing to stay in the train till the destination arrives and he jumps out in the middle of some station.

The second quality is persistence. This is a state of a disciplined mind, making the effort in a focused way on a day-to-day basis. There is a discipline in life & things are planned beforehand.

A successful person uses his time in the best way & does only those things that will get him closer to his goal. In this process of persistence, he develops & masters great skills that become his asset for the rest of his life.

The third quality is perspiration. A successful person is a massive action-taker. He goes far beyond & is ready to do the extra. He will go to the extreme in his actions & will do it more than any average person.

When other people are sleeping, the successful person gets up early & his action starts prior to everyone. He is the last man standing & his mental strength is too powerful.

Quote 5

“Do not wait, the time will never be just right.
Start where you stand & work with whatever tools you may have.”

Procrastination is a state of mind where we postpone things to a later day.

We are not willing to do it right now, the mind says let’s not do it right now, we will see it later. The mind isn’t prepared to do it right now. This is a pattern of mind that is created every time we procrastinate.

When the future will come the same pattern will repeat, it will repeat in every project that we take in hand. Things never get done this way.

When we ignore doing the thing that has to be done now then after some time that thing starts bothering us.

For example, if the electricity bill is due & we procrastinate it to be done later then what will happen? There will be penalties, and extra amounts we have to pay. If we even delay it more then what will happen, the electricity will be taken down from the house. And at this stage when something worse happens, people awake to do the thing.

The mind gives reasons for not starting, it has a long list of excuses so that it can remain in its comfort zone.

The successful people take charge of the mind & they mold the mind to get things done. They erase the excuses & find reasons for why it should be done. They find different ways & take action on an immediate basis and they work with the tools they already have in their hands.

They are not waiting for something special to happen so that they can begin. They begin where they are & this is special for them.

“The time never gets right, we have to make it right.”

The situations never get right by default, they get right by the life of design. If something’s not good in life then it can be changed by doing something regarding it, finding some solutions that will open new doors of opportunity. Just talking about why things are not happening will do nothing good.

Things do not happen by talking, they happen by doing.

Quote 6

“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.”

Mind is creating life for us, based on the thoughts it receives. The thoughts that we have in mind are responsible for the outcomes that we are receiving. Either someone knows it or he doesn’t, the laws of life do not change for anyone.

The laws do not tell us what to do, they only work based on the process that is pre-set.

Laws are like machines & they work as they are supposed to work. They aren’t interested in correcting anyone but they are at work all the time.

When we set our mind to a definite goal & the thoughts within the mind are dominantly directed towards the goal, then the mind creates similar life situations based on the thoughts.

A conscious effort to direct the thoughts in the direction of the goal conveys the message on the subconscious level to the subconscious mind.

“Subconscious mind creates the circumstances based on the vibrational messages that it receives.”

The subconscious mind creates perfect situations when thoughts are directed towards the goal.

It feels as if the whole world is standing in our favor, the things are happening to help us achieve our goals. Things are falling into place & the goal is achieved with the help of a cosmic plan.

This cosmic plan is the creation of the subconscious mind based on the positive signals it receives for the goal.

Keeping the mind focused on the goal & feeling the vibrations of the achievement of the goal before it is achieved acts like a magic key to unlock the door of success. It needs a persistent mindset & patience to observe the mind on a continuous basis & direct the thoughts to the goal.

Focusing on the goal is like nurturing & watering the tree so that it can grow & expand.

Quote 7

“A positive mind finds a way it can be done.
A negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.”

A positive mindset means trusting that things will work in our favor.

The possibilities are open for future moments & anything can happen, future isn’t predictable but it is designable. With a positive mindset & beliefs about “it can be done” is secretly creating future moments.

The thoughts are creating the future in the most silent way. They are designing the coming life situations & the mindset that one has is responsible for the creation of reality.

A person with a positive mindset thinks in his mind that a dream can be fulfilled. He has this primary thought implanted within his mind. One strong positive thought spreads & collects many positive thoughts.

From a single, it becomes a large group of positive thoughts. It becomes an army of positive thoughts & the whole army works & finds a way to get it done.

A negative person has already accepted that it won’t happen & he is correct for himself. His negative thoughts army will work for him & do its best for not happening of the thing.

They will defend & protect the orders of the master without any argument. And once the thing isn’t happening, the negative person will become more negative because they indeed wanted it to happen but someone isn’t able to figure out why it is not happening. He isn’t aware that he has directed his own thought process to make it not happen.

We all have the same time & same energy levels provided to us. How to use the time & energy remains in the individual hands & that is the reason the results differ from person to person.

The same students studying in the same classroom have the same material knowledge & everything is the same for every student but the ranks are different. Some students rank number 1 & another fails because of the individual use of the mind.

Quote 8

“Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.
If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.
Self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.”

The most difficult challenge is to master our own thoughts. It’s not difficult & complex but it is simple. Its simplicity is making it more challenging.

We are already thinking some kind of thought every moment. It is not a directed thought, it is a robotic thought on an autopilot. It is a series of thoughts that follow one after another. The coming thought is the matching thought of the current one. There is a deep sleep in the inner world, we are fast asleep & have ignored the world of thoughts.

“Mastering the thought process requires an awakened eye of observation.”

It needs wakefulness towards the mind, it needs a focus of light towards the darkness of the mind.

Being aware of the existing thought process is the first mega step towards the mastery of the thoughts. To change something, we have to first know it properly. Firstly we have to get acquainted with the functioning of the thought process.

Self-discipline starts with the first step towards the mind.

The next steps include changing the thoughts & moving them to the place of our desire. We can think of thoughts of something that isn’t here but we can think & feel in mind that it is here. And when we think it is here then on an invisible plane it exists in an invisible form.

As we take control of our thoughts for designing them as per our will, we are practicing self-discipline that will mold reality after a certain period of time.

Our actions depend on the thoughts that we have. So when we practice self-discipline to master the thoughts the actions are bound to change.

The changes in the thinking patterns will automatically change the actions. The body follows the mind, when the mind has a different vibration than it used to have before then the body will react in a balanced rhythmic way because the thought vibrations are in alignment & in rhythm.

After a good amount of practice, the thoughts will be mastered & there will be success and rewards in life.

Quote 9

“It takes a habit to replace a habit.”

Our life is full of habits, every moment we are busy in some kind of habit iterating itself. The habits repeat themselves & they have certain patterns like step 1, step 2, step 3. They have trigger mechanisms from where the habit begins itself.

Habits are creating our lifestyle & they are a dominant part of our life. The habits of a person determine his success & the successful men use the habits as a tool to achieve mastery in their respective fields.

Habits can be categorized into good habits & bad habits.

When a person gets up late in the morning & feels lazy as he gets up, he has no enthusiasm & energy towards the day then this is nothing but a habit that he has created by himself or by watching others around him.

When a person switches on the television & watches it for hours then he is in a habit that will produce zero results in life.

On the other hand, a person gets up early & works out in a gym doing the exercises for 1 hour then he is tuning his life into a good habit that will keep his body & mind fit & healthy.

“For changing the habits from bad to good the only way is to replace them.”

Once the good habits are designed & pre-planned they will wipe out the bad habits. The same time that was occupied previously by the bad habits will be consumed into good habits.

Change is not a one-night thing, habits take time to form & especially good habits have to be handled with care because the mind is naturally directed towards the bad habits.

Successful men have a strong routine filled with powerful habits that give them the energy & power to overcome the obstacles of life.

Habits act like a weapon for them to defeat the challenges falling in front of them. Their habits are the preparations for the battle to be won in the everyday situations of life. They smartly make use of good habits & anyone can make use of the good habits to enhance his growth of mind.

Quote 10

“The man of decision cannot be stopped.
The man of indecision cannot be started.
Take your own choice.”

Once there is a thought of decision in the mind & we decide internally then nothing can stop us. The only thing that was stopping was the indecision of the mind.

The mind hadn’t decided with firmness so everything was on hold & there looked no way to reach the goals.

One thought of a decision changes everything.

We are unconsciously making decisions every now & then. Our life is filled with decisions, some might be small decisions & some might be big decisions.

If we have 3 hours of free time & we have a movie to watch on the one hand & on another hand we have a book that can change our thinking then it is a personal decision that we make either to watch a movie or read a book.

Decisions determine the outcomes because decisions lead to action.

“One small decision has the potential to transform life.”

It is just a matter of making up our mind & deciding for ourselves what is right for us & what is wrong for us, what is it that will enhance the growth of mind & what is it that will shrink the growth of mind.

And once the decision is made then actions are bound to change & as these are our own decisions made consciously there is no possibility of diversion. Others cannot manipulate the decisions because we have a determined decision crafted by our own hands.

People who don’t decide for themselves, they live a mediocre life. They live life as a victim & they find no power over the situations. They live the life of default, whatever life brings they unconsciously decide & go with the random flow of things.

Their outcomes remain the same because there is no change in the decision.

But choice always remains with us to either take the decision or live a life of indecision.

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