Top 10 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes to gain Mental Strength

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer & political ethicist.

He has a nonviolent approach towards life & it has helped to achieve independence from Great Britain. He had a very disciplined life & his mental strength was strong. Without a violent approach, he has won the wars through his mental toughness.

Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes are filled with inspiration & can open a new vision for you of non-violence.

Quote 1

“Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will.”

We have the body & we have the mind. Both have their strength capacity.

The physical strength of the body is very limited & it cannot go beyond that. A person can lift up the weights but he cannot lift a mountain because physical strength is limited. Some people have a bit more than others but the capacity cannot go beyond.

On the other hand, the strength of the mind is immeasurable. Its capacity is vast & unlimited. The airplane that we see in the sky is a result of strength of mind.

Someone has used the willpower to fly in the air & the strength of the willpower has made the impossible possible. The willpower of one person becomes helpful for the whole mass of people & it remains for very long.

“Will power is an invisible power which we use very little in our life.”

Will power is only awakened when we are encountered with a life-threatening situation. At those moments we don’t have any way but to use the willpower that was lying there within the mind unused for months & years.

Will power can be strengthened & used by the conscious decision to use it. There isn’t any need to wait for something bad to happen in life. We can be well prepared beforehand so that there will be no fear because we possess & know how to use the willpower.

People are more interested in increasing their physical strength capacity. They invest more time in shaping the physical body & there is nothing wrong in it.

But the mental strength that is unshaped within our minds has also to be looked into. It also needs to be given time so that the real strength of mind can make us live the life of our dreams.

Quote 2

“You may never know what results come of your actions,
but if you do nothing,
there will be no results.”

Actions mean trying to do something to achieve the goal. We want something in life & then we take action so that we can get that thing that we want.

There are many things that we want but we never take any action with regard to them.

Action produces some results. Action is like beginning to walk toward the destination. Without walking one will stay where he already is.

“The successful people are massive action takers.”

They plan their goal, they plan their actions to reach the goal & they never stop taking action till they reach the goal.

Action gives some kind of a result in life. This result may not always be in our favor, it may sometimes go completely wrong.

No action gives nothing, neither wrong & nor right, the goal remains unfulfilled.

There are 2 types of actions, one is planned action & another is unplanned action.

The planned action is a conscious action & we have prepared and decided beforehand. We have done a conscious analysis of the appropriate actions so that it will hit the bull’s eye. We have erased the actions that are not producing the results that we expect.

Unplanned action is a random action towards the goal.

It is also an action but it has no appropriate direction. This is an unconscious action & happens to us without giving a thought to it.

We do try many things but the results that we want are far from reach. We work very hard but the goal is still far away because there is no awareness of the actions.

There is no discipline, there is no consistency & analysis. We need to shift from unplanned action or no action to planned action so that we can achieve the goals of our lives.

Quote 3

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”

We are being bombarded with negative thoughts in mass through the surroundings that we live in. This has been happening right from the childhood days.

Not only do people talk negatively but the technological equipment also have their contributes to filling our minds with negative thoughts. Newspapers, news channels, Movies, Serials, and Mobiles are shaping our minds & we are not aware of it.

We do things by watching other people do it. When we see a movie or a serial, the characters playing in it are impacting our minds.

The murders, killings, crimes, cruelty, anger, harsh talking, insults, sadness, and cheating that are shown on the tvs are doing a great job of destroying the mind. They are filling our minds with ideas on how to react when a particular situation comes.

We cannot blame society & it will do nothing good to us. We can take our own responsibility & cut the things from our daily routine that are not required. We will not let anyone walk in our minds with their negative thoughts.

Our mind is receptive & it accepts the thoughts from surroundings.

We can use the receptiveness of mind by focusing on all that is going well. We can stay connected to the things that enhance the growth of the mind with uplifting & inspiring thoughts.

We can choose any time to think & focus on the positive that will shift our vibrations from negative to positive. The mind will receive and accept positive thoughts when they are constantly focused.

Changing the mind will bring changes in life for sure.

Quote 4

“If you don’t ask, you don’t get it.”

If we visit a restaurant to eat food & we sit on a table after that we don’t ask for anything we just sit. Will we get the food?

Probably not, till we make the order there is no food. The order has to be given precisely to the waiter. Once we ask for the order, we get the order in return.

We don’t ask because of fear of not getting it. The fear tells us in advance a lie that you are not worthy of getting it, there is no way you can get it, and you can’t do it. And we follow the fear & result is not getting what we wanted.

If we have generated the courage to ask then the possibility is there to get, fear not only stops us but also breaks the self-confidence.

Asking is required & asking should be in detail & precise. The asking begins from within by focusing on exactly what it is that we want.

Crafting every detail of the dream & planning the end result with clarity is needed. Once we do this, we are in an asking state in a similar way as we are ordering in a restaurant.

Once the asking is completed, the next step is to get ready to receive it.

We have to plan the effort to do a conscious level of work towards the goal. We have to remain active & receptive because we have asked & we can receive in any unpredictable way.

It is not necessary that we will receive the thing only by the plan that we have crafted. It can come in unknown ways to us.

We keep our doors open & let the thing come from any direction it wants to come. We may be expecting that it should come in one particular direction but that is not the case every time.

Quote 5

“It’s not too late at all. You just don’t yet know what you are capable of.”

Our mind is programmed to give up too early.

Due to the fast-moving world, we want fast-moving results in life. We expect the results so fast that we want to do some work today & want the results to appear tomorrow.

We want to be successful overnight. It is just like planting a seed today & expecting the fruits tomorrow. By giving up from one goal to another, the time comes when it feels like it’s too late now. We feel like nothing is possible now, the failure was too much & there were no signs of success.

But it’s never too late at all. The past is gone, it cannot return. A lesson from the past is what you have for now. We have been using the wrong mindset to reach our goals & these lessons of failures can become the ladders to climb to success.

We live from moment to moment. Every moment is a fresh moment offered to us by our existence.

Every moment is precious & in this very moment, no one has stopped us, to begin with a new mindset of discipline & persistence. The only thing that is stopping us is the past failures.

“The capability to reach tremendous success is given to everyone.”

The mind is available to everyone. The hidden powers of the mind have the capability to bring fruits of success.

The power is not somewhere far away near the stars, the power is within the mind kept secret. It cannot be seen by the physical eyes, it is that near to us. We are not aware of its capabilities.

Everything that we see around us is a result of the power of mind, used by someone.

Quote 6

“There are two days in the year that we cannot do anything, yesterday and tomorrow.”

Now is only in our hands & it is only right now neither yesterday nor tomorrow. We cannot escape from this current moment & this is the reality.

The dreams may wander us to yesterday’s & tomorrow’s but they are like bubbles that burst quickly. They are the illusions of the mind taking away the precious present moment.

We move far away from the present moment. Our most of the time goes in rethinking the things that have happened previously or for the coming worries that are not yet.

The present moment is ignored in these trips of the mind. There is no transformation in life because we are not available in the present. We have been trapped in an illusionary thread of the mind that is taking away all the time & energy.

“The things that have already happened, nothing can be done about them.”

The past never returns, life only knows the present moment, it swallows the past permanently. But we keep the past broadcasting in our mind.

We keep our minds busy with the anger & the insults of past incidents that will not do any good to us. Mind repeats the past events again & again, making life miserable.

Wise men are focused on the present, they have set their mind to be attentive in this present moment. The stable mind is accumulating powers because it is no longer drifting in the past or future.

A person with sharp focus & alertness always wins in every situation. Focus develops with the practice of the presence in the present moment.

Quote 7

“Fear of disease killed more men than disease itself.”

The mind is an amazing tool that we possess. It has the potential to manifest things with the power of thoughts.

The thoughts that are deeply imprinted on the subconscious mind become the reality. This reality differs from individual to individual because every individual thinks thoughts based on his perception & logical mind.

“Thoughts are powerful vibrations that have the potential to create things in reality.”

The misuse of the mind results in wrong results that were never expected. The same powerful mind that can be used to create good things can also be used to create bad things.

The creation remains with the mind & the decision on what to create remains with the individual. Unaware of the powers of the mind, people unconsciously use the mind to create diseases for themselves. They are creating the disease by giving focus to the disease. They are busy thinking thoughts of fear about the disease & feeling the fearful vibrations of the disease.

Fear is the exact opposite of what we want. It is a doubt of mind that things will happen against us. That everything bad is about to come & their life is filled with terror of the future.

The mind receiving all these negative vibrations creates negative events in life.

Mind has no other way than to create & it creates based on the thoughts that are dominantly highlighted in the mind. It is a copying machine, it copies the images that it receives exactly matching the same frequency of vibrations.

The disease was never there, the fear of disease invited the disease to enter the life. And the fear indeed killed the people rather than the disease itself. If there have been no fearful vibrations then there was no possibility of the disease.

A person with happy & healthy vibrations attracts more healthy & happy events. So it depends on the individual on how to use this amazing tool of mind.

Quote 8

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

There are 3 aspects of doing the things that we do.

The first is the thinking, the thought primarily comes in the mind & this is the beginning point of the action. The second is talking, we talk about the thought that is created in mind & share it. The third is the action based on thinking.

We go through these 3 step process in everything that we do.

These aspects can either match with each other or they can mismatch. When there is a mismatch then there is disharmony.

A person can think one thought, he can say something else & he can do something completely different from what he has thought. And this is what usually happens in our lives.

We think one thought & when the time for action comes we do something else that was never thought. We go on talking but the talking does not match what we are thinking. We might be thinking of hatred in the mind but outside we are talking of love.

These aspects can be aligned in order, by taking the conscious control of the process. New patterns can be developed to bring an alignment of the thoughts to the actions that we take.

When everything is in coordination then there is harmony. It is like there are 3 horses & a one rider, when 3 of them run in the same direction there is alignment & harmony. When 3 of them are willing to run in 3 different directions then the trouble begins.

Misalignment usually happens due to an unstable mind. When the mind is worried & it is in panic then it says something else & does something else out of the state of panic.

When the mind is in a relaxed state & there is calmness within, the mind responds in alignment. This creates a feeling of happiness because there is no stress & the horses are smoothly running in one direction towards the destination.

Quote 9

“There is a force in the universe which if we permit it will flow through us and produce miraculous results.”

There are 2 forces in the universe & they are universal to everyone.

All living beings are connected to either of them. The connection changes frequently but there is a dominance of one over another.

There are various names of these forces, we can understand them as “Good and Bad” or “Positive or Negative”. They are just like separate teams in a cricket match, we are in favor of one or another. Both have their respective energy fields & one who connects to them experiences the energy field.

We connect to the forces by the thoughts that we think. Every moment we are connected to either one of them. And from moment to moment there is a chain of thoughts that is created.

When we are happy, playing, rejoicing, excited, enthusiastic, and positive then we are connected to the good forces. When we are angry, irritated, depressed, jealous, or guilty then we are connected to the bad forces.

Connecting to the good forces, we permit the creative energy to flow within us. There is a free flow of energy making the alignment & harmony within the body & mind. And out of this harmony whatever is done produces a quality result that brings rewards.

The good thoughts & vibrations are like air conditioners in a room keeping the climate cool & although it may be hot outside it doesn’t affect the inner room.

“Joining the good forces by thinking good thoughts we allow the godly frequencies to come & work within us.”

When we think thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, goodness, compassion, and calmness then we create an energy field of good forces around us. This field acts like a magnet & attracts similar kinds of frequencies towards us.

We are attracted to positive events, encouraging communications, satisfying outcomes & things that we want are attracted naturally. The good forces are all available all the time & we can connect to them beginning from this moment.

Quote 10

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

We have been taught from the very beginning to fight, to take revenge, to be aggressive. All the people in our surroundings are operating in the same way.

Televisions have more impact on our minds & they are affecting our mind & lifestyle. The movies that we watch or the serials demonstrate dominantly about fight, revenge, and competition. These scenes that are kept in front of us with full of emotions are nothing but the programming of the mind. They are telling our minds to act in a similar way.

If someone acts rudely to us then our mind is already programmed to give a response in a similar way. When someone does something wrong with us then we also want to do the same thing with him.

Because we can see people around us doing the same thing & we have an unconscious habit of following something that we see with our eyes. And when we react in a certain way to the people’s response then that way repeats itself next time & there is a chain formed within the mind to react in a particular way.

Forgiveness hasn’t been taught to us.

Forgiveness is treated as something weaker, we want to respond aggressively to life situations. But aggressiveness results in destruction, Forgiveness is a calm state of mind & it is the higher state of mind.

The average person cannot understand the power of it because they haven’t experienced it. We can see the spiritually enlightened people using forgiveness even if they are to be killed.

Jesus was to be killed by people by hanging him & there was forgiveness coming out of him. Buddha was planned to be killed by elephant attacks or bigger stones falling in his direction but the Buddha has forgiveness & peace in his mind that changed the behavior of the elephants.

Weak people cannot forgive because they do not know forgiveness, they only know revenge.

Strong people understand the power of forgiveness & they forgive with completeness in their hearts. Forgiveness denotes a pure & positive state of inner being. It should be practiced so that it becomes our lifestyle.

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